Running Strong is building up the next generation of Native American leaders and strengthening Native communities in a wholistic way – meeting critical needs, preserving culture, and supporting dreams. We are committed to building the capacity of local Native communities, so they are well equipped to respond to the challenges they face. RS accomplishes through its dynamic programming: clean running water connections, organic community gardens and healthy food box programs, emergency utilities and home repair assistance, cultural and language revitalization, and investment in the future of Native youth through support of their education, mentorship and dreams.
Running Strong’s work began primarily on the Pine Ridge and Cheyenne River Indian Reservations in South Dakota, but over the years our service population and programming expanded dramatically. Today we are proud to serve Native American over 30 rural and urban Native American communities throughout the United States.
Lakota, Pine Ridge, Oglala Sioux, Sioux, Heart Bridge of the Black Hills, Black Hills, Friends Circle,
HeartBridge, Badlands, Oglala Lakota, Lakota Oglala, Kyle, Porcupine, Wambli, Wamblee,